
Hack This!

1 min read

CERT: Sendmail source hacked. Mitnick's laptop up for sale. Hey, where'd my thread go? Quite a few books about Struts coming down the pipeline: Java Web Deve…

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SuperDisk, Java 1.4.1 FCS

1 min read

Just received the replacement SuperDisk I bought on eBay. A bad floppy killed the old one a few weeks ago. The metal slider got stuck in the drive and damage…

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Evan's Christening

<1 min read

We're going to attend my wife's nephew, Evan, Christening today. Vicki got me the X-Men Monopoly for Christmas. We played it yesterday nite, loads of fun. I…

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Crouching Tiger

<1 min read

We saw Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon yesterday nite…

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Movies (2002-2000)

2 min read

Short reviews of every movie I saw from 2000 to 2002.

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Daily Newz

<1 min read

Sun announces XML for Java interface specs. The Top 100 Products of 2000. Amazingly enough, I have no interests in any of them whatsoever. Windows Media Play…

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