<1 min read


Dubya and his goof troops can't type, thanks to Billy's boys. Is that an excuse for the WhiteHouse.gov fiasco?

I don't care much for Bubba. He's starting on the wrong foot, IMAO, but I'll give him a chance.

I don't see how he is going to make good on his promise of a new kind of government when all of his cabinet heads are a bunch of old politicians (Daddy's rich friends.) Powell and son definitely got the better end of the deal.

At least he blocked a proposal to allow smaller holes in Grade A Swiss cheese.

Making Software that Sucks Less

Slashdot has an article on developing better software. It raises some very good points, but misses the most important of all: become a regular user of your own software.

Too many people write software because they have (or think they have) the skills to do so, but with very little to no understanding on how the software will be/is actually used. Big mistake.