4 min read
Store objects using the Preferences API. If your data can be expressed as simple objects, the API can be useful storage.
More Than 18 Million Software Downloads from Sun's
Chris — What If the iApps Had Been the jApps?
Dion — Ant 1.6 Makes an Appearance.
Carlos — Counter Intuitive Rules for Software Success.
Russ — J2ME for BREW Phones and iTunes for Windows.
Frank — Apple gets it - again and European Music Industry: WAKE UP!
Alan — One really cool applet!
Ken — IDEA EAP build #944 review.
Andreas — Clustered JDBC.
Ben — The CVS book.
Brent — NetNewsWire and NetNewsWire Lite 1.0.6.
Jeremy — VeriSign selling DNS business.
Niel — JReceiver: Another Very Cool Open Source Java Project.
TagUnit 1.0-beta4 released.
Java XTools 1.1, a collection of functions for Java and Java 3D.
Java Email Server 1.3, an SMTP POP3 email server.
The iPod accessories are out. iPod Media Reader and iPod Voice Recorder.
PC Shipments Rise 15 Percent, Driven By Notebook Sales.
Lime Wire launches legal content portal. It's not all dodgy Metallica CD rips, you know.
Anti-Spammers Win Major Court Battle. case dismissed with prejudice.
Review: Mac OS X Panther 10.3.
Hand/RSS for Palm OS. Plam-based aggregator.
Gates: MS has 20m mobile market share, heads for 60%.
Mark — Atom revealed.
Creative's 60GB Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra. Officially announced.
David — blojsom 2.03 available.
Brent — Verisign bad?
Mark Roth pointed me to his excellent TLDDoc tool. I'm planning on using it for the Google Tag Library.
Will you Take Her Away?
My current desktop wallpaper.
Matt — My Foo Camp Gallery.
Matt — HowTo: Integrate Apache and Resin.
Leslie — Quick links.
Haiko — More aggregators.
Tim — Debbie Does BitTorrent.
Tom — Java not cross-platform?
Comparatif Java G5/PC. Comparing Java performance on a G5 and various PCs.
Apple UK confirms iPod add-ons launch. Commenting on unannounced product?
Charles — SLEE - A Java Application Server for the future.
Simon — XDoclet in the J2EE web tier.
Debashish — Javaranch newsletter: October Issue.