Diego — O2's and Vodafone's "idiot upgrade package".
Matt — Hotspot Roundup.
Is Bluetooth Dead? According to the EETimes, Bluetooth is dead.
Dion — XForms 1.0 Finalized.
Hani — JRoller TOS.
peKevin — NewsMonster 1.2.2 Beta.
Apple reports $44 million profit for the fourth quarter.
New Internet speed record set. Sent 1.1 Terabytes of data at 5.44 gigabits a second from Geneva to California.
Microsoft Issues First Monthly Security Alert. Five 'critical' flaws.
Russ — The Boom is Alive and American Mobile Thoughts.
Joe — Avoid "TeckChek" — Invalid questions and lousy browser support.
Cheah — Comparing Mozilla Firebird with other browsers.
JEL 0.9.11, a compiler for one-line expressions into Java bytecode.
Bluetooth cellphone headset roundup. Motorola Bluetooth Headset, Nextlink Bluespoon Digital, Nokia HDW-2, Plantronics M3000, Sony Ericsson's HBH-35 and HBH-60, Siemens HHB-500.
N-Gage works with iSync. Needs some tinkering.
Nik — Packard Bell Athlon 64 XP notebook close to r…
Mozilla Thunderbird for Windows 0.3, Mozilla Thunderbird for Mac OS X 0.3 and Mozilla Thunderbird for Linux 0.3.
Mozilla Firebird for Windows 0.7, Mozilla Firebird for Mac OS X 0.7 and Mozilla Firebird for Linux 0.7.
Dismal first week for N-Gage, say games retailers. Tomb Raider tops handheld's software chart.
Jonathan — Now that's a specification.
Matt — JSP Navigation Systems.
Jim — Keeping Blaine Awake.
PC World: Apple G5 Gets Trounced By Athlon64.
Mozilla Launches Version 1.5. The Mozilla 1.5 suite.
Anil — hey, come work with us.
New TV wrist watch. Powered by the Sony Tuner chip-set.
Java Upgrade Guide: Migrating From the MSJVM to the Sun JRE.
Tech Tips: Introduction to the Java3D API and Using the
Intel profits up 142%. 1.7 billion dollars.
David — blojsom 2.03 progress.
Dion — Installers for Java Programs.
Jayson — Blarg #2: What do you think about weblogs?.
Vattekkat — Quick Links.
Leslie — Quick links.
Brent — NetNewsWire 1.0.6fc2.
Seyed — Friends of MonkeyX (FOMX).
Alan — Programming Fonts.
FileZilla 2.2.1a, a very neat FTP client.
J2ME VNC Client. Alpha 2.9.5 released.
JDBC SQL Profiler 0.2 released.
D-Link doubles the speed of 802.11g. Proprietary.
Get the Sony Ericsson T610 for free at Amazon. With contract.
Dell launches Axim X3. Three new Axim models are unveiled as Dell officially launches the X3 series.
Bill Gates: 'Longhorn is going to be late'. Interview Driven by progress, not release date.
RealRadix — Fake university certificates.
I've installed and configured mod_jk2. I'm hoping it will solve some of the problems I've been seeing with mod_webapp lately.
Cheah — Mozilla Firebird 0.7 released!
Intel to shrink Celeron to 90nm during Q1 2004. 'Most of the value line' in that timeframe.