All I want for Christmas...

<1 min read

All I want for Christmas is a new roadster.

The Evil Empire banned. Sounds like a very bad attempt at controlling the spin on their security advisory bulletins. Messing with Buqtraq is definitely not the way to go about it.

Indecision 2000 - Jeb Bush: "I may be my brother's keeper."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Being born and raised in Europe, I've gotten very accustomed to foreign movies with subtitles; it'll be very interesting to see how it fairs in the US.

SyncML: Will it sink or swim? Sounds good on paper. For once I don't blame Microsoft, Oracle and Sybase for taking the wait-and-see attitude.

Do we need a second Internet? I liked Veronica Lake's talkback comments, although she forgot to mention the need for a backbone entirely dedicated to porn. ;-)

Developers offer Rx for Apple. Some interesting comments from developers. There really doesn't seem to be much coming from Apple to entice new developers to the platform. It's time for Apple to actively promote OS X strongest asset, its Unix underlaying.

The PERL CD Bookshelf. 6 of O'Reilly's best selling books on CD-ROM, not a bad deal.