Erik's Pulse: 2004-02-02
by Erik C. Thauvin |
Erik has his finger on the pulse of the Java community. This column is his take on what is hot, and what the community is buzzing about. |
Tutorials, Tutorials and more Tutorials… |
- Secure Java Servlet Web Apps with HttpSession.
- Learning From Code: Fast Fail Iterators.
- Hints, myths and tips about Garbage Collection and Performance.
- Filtering with Java Servlets 2.4.
- Lance's Ant Target that every project should have.
- Merrick's Velocity Templates for XDoclet 1.2.
- Matt's Tomcat Ant Task How-To.
- Guide to Embedding Groovy Inside a Java Application.
- Building Java Web Services with Apache Axis.
- Notable software releases: Java XTools 1.16, JFluid 1.3.1, JSpeex 0.9.2, POI 2.0, SwingWT 0.78.1, Ant 1.6.1 beta 1, EJBCA 2.1, Inline::Java 0.45, jStart32 0.4, Atlassian Confluence 1.0 beta 4, jGnash 1.7.1, JML 4.1_rc5, JWinSvc 1.3c, Informa 0.5.0, JDebugTool 3.3.5, Xerces-J 2.6.1 and Oracle9i JDeveloper
Erik is director of technology at Imacination Software, where he has spent the better part of last year developing the jTalk E-Business Platform. He has close to 20 years of professional experience in software development.
Erik also maintains a popular Java blog and can be found lurking in #mobitopia. |