Erik's Pulse: 2003-09-04
by Erik C. Thauvin |
Erik has his finger on the pulse of the Java community. This column is his take on what is hot, and what the community is buzzing about. |
- Ben revisits the StringBuffer myth.
- Henri explains why Javadoc is bad.
- Luke looks at checked exceptions, again.
- Vinny really likes JMeter.
- Hans saw quite a few Java Desktop Applications at LinuxWorld.
- Norman's stance on the ethics of decompilation. Charles comments.
- Russ wants you to go vote.
- Eddy expands on EJB Exception handling.
- Joe's search for components yields responses from Cedric and Anthony.
- Notable software releases: JMP 0.34, Java Email Server 1.2.4, BeanShell 2.0 beta 1, jCIFS 0.7.12, Jakarta Commons Lang 2.0, MRJ Adapter 1.0.2, XmlWriter 2.0, Jakarta Regexp 1.3, RSSOwl 0.6b, MyEclipse J2EE Enterprise Workbench 2.6, AntRunner 2.0, JGraphpad 3.0, JacORB 2.0 and Atom4J 0.1.
Erik is director of technology at Imacination Software, where he has spent the better part of last year developing the jTalk E-Business Platform. He has close to 20 years of professional experience in software development.
Erik also maintains a popular Java blog and can be found lurking in #mobitopia. |