Erik's Pulse: 2003-06-16
by Erik C.Thauvin
Erik has his finger on the pulse of the Java community. This column is his take on what is hot, and what the community is buzzing about.
- James compiles the ultimate Java Server Faces Resources page.
- John heard it all at JavaOne. The good, the bad and the over-hyped.
- Dan knows how to make an illegal look and feel.
- Sue and Simon recap their trip to JavaOne.
- Vibhu sums up the Wisconsin Java Symposium.
- Hani raves and rants about IDEA and Eclipse.
- Scott has the low-down on managing projects with Eclipse.
- Heinz takes Dilbert for a ride.
- Matthew, Carsten, Andrew, Sylvain, Gianugo and Steven are proud to announce Orixo.
- Notable software releases: JPower 1.0 Beta, Extensible Java Profiler, JXPath 1.0, XDoclet 1.2 Beta 3, Blojsom 1.9.1, JSyntaxColor 1.1, Webtester, Jaxe 1.4.2.
Erik's Pulse was rushed for the week.
Erik C. Thauvin is director of technology at Imacination Software, where he has spent the better part of last year creating and developing the jTalk E-Business Platform. He has close to 20 years of professional experience in hardware and software development, and maintains a lively Java blog. Erik can also be found lurking in #mobitopia.