Erik's Pulse: 2006-12-05

2 min read
 The Pulse
Erik C. Thauvin maintains a blog, as well as one of the web's first and most popular linkblogs, which he updates daily with the latest Java and technology news.

Erik C. ThauvinPicks of the Week:

Tip of the Week:

How to Debug JWS/JNLP

Tutorial of the Week:

Java SE 6's New Scripting and Compiling Goodies

Notable Software Releases:

Allatori Java Obfuscator 1.4 Apache Jackrabbit 1.1.1 Aranea Web Framework 1.0.3
Axiomatic Multi-Platform C 1.5.4 Classhat 1.0beta Cobra 0.96
codavaj 1.2.0 Commons DbUtils 1.1 Commons Digester 1.8
Commons Discovery 0.4 Commons Validator 1.3.1 Compass 1.1 M3
DataBrowser 3.4.0 DB Visual ARCHITECT 4.0 dsj 0_8_2
EasyEclipse 1.2.1 ehcache-1.2.4 EJOE
EJOE Excelsior JET 4.8 Excelsior JET 4.8
EZMorph 0.9.1 Facelets 1.1.12 FindBugs 1.1.2-rc2
Groovy RC-1 H2 Database Engine 1.0/2006-12-03 Java Lemonade Stand 1.3
Javolution 4.1 Jin 2.14 JIRA 3.7 Beta 2
JIRA Client 1.0 Beta JPasswordGenerator 1.0 JURPE 0.3.7
LipstikLF RC2 MVEL 1.0 Pulse Continuous Integration Server 1.2 M3
SDE for Eclipse 4.0 Seam 1.1.0 CR2 SimpleCenter 4.1
Sleep 2.1-b11 SmartSVN 2.1 Spring-Annotation 1.0.2
StatSVN 0.2.0 VisualKii 1.0 WebGalileo Faces 3.0 RC
Wicked Shell 2.0

The Truth is Out There…
Erik C. Thauvin
[email protected]

This story was published in the December 5, 2006 issue of the Javalobby Newsletter.