Erik's Pulse: 2005-11-29

3 min read
 The Pulse
Erik C. Thauvin maintains a blog, as well as one of the web's first and most popular linkblogs, which he updates daily with the latest Java and technology news.

Erik C. ThauvinPicks of the Week:

Tip of the Week:

How to Fight Network Leaks in your Java App

Tutorial of the Week:

Solving Sudokus in Java

Notable Software Releases:

Ammentos 1.0.13 Apache Derby Apache FOP 0.90 alpha-1
Apache MINA 0.8.1 Apache XML-Security 1.3 FINAL ASM 2.2
Asterisk-Java 0.2 Awesum 0.5.0 Big Faceless PDF Library 2.6.4
Blitz JavaSpaces 1.18 CACAO 0.93 Clover framework 1-1-7
Compass Framework 0.6.2 ComponentSet 1.4 Crispy 0.6.2
ECForms 0_2 Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project 1.0 M9 esra 0.3
FindBugs 0.9.4-rc2 GeoServer 1.3.0-RC6 GoGrinder 1.13
GvTags 0.2.1 Imagero Reader 1.79_96 install4j 3.2.2
Java Calendar Component 3.1 Java for C++ 0.1 JBlogEditor 0.5.0
JFormDesigner 2 JFreeChart 1.0.0-rc3 JRewriter 1.00
JSch 0.1.24 monq.jfa 0.19 Morena 6.3
OpenSign 1.4.0 Pi Calculus for SOA 1.3.0 PowerClassProtect 1.0
RageWork 2.4 Roller 2.0 Secure FTP Bean 2.5.2
SMSj 20051126 soapui 1.0.3 Visual Paradigm for UML 5.1
VLDocking 2.0.4 Wicket Contrib Dojo 0.3 Wingz 1.1
YALE 3.1 Yan Container 0.7 YourKit Java Profiler 5.0.5
YProlog 0.3 [ini4j] 0.2.4

The Truth is Out There…
Erik C. Thauvin

This story was published in the November 29, 2005 issue of the Javalobby Newsletter.