Erik's Pulse: 2004-06-22

3 min read
 The Pulse
Erik C. Thauvin is director of technology at Imacination Software. He also maintains a blog, as well as a popular linkblog updated daily with the latest Java and technology news.

Erik C. ThauvinBickering…

Java bloggers are wasting a lot of time bickering as of late. Does it really matter if Russ is right or wrong? Or if Hani is really stupid? Hopefully things will pick up a bit with JavaOne right around the corner.

Tip of the Week:

Send To Recycle Bin

Tutorial of the Week:

Encrypt Sensitive Configuration Data with Java

Notable Software Releases:

Commons Logging 1.0.4 FreeTTS 1.2 Beta2 JXTA 2.3
Khadira Beta 2 JDBInsight 2.1.08 Berkeley DB 1.5.0
Rome 0.2 J2EE 1.4 SDK Update 1 DbVisualizer 4.1.1
Java Grid Computing 0.04 blojsom 2.16 Koalog Constraint Solver 2.1
Flow4J 0.8.2 JWebPresenter SS 1.2.1 Java Remote File Access 1.0
iCal Group Scheduler 1.4 Drone IRC Bot 1.0 Kaprekar Series Generator 2.1b
MagicDraw UML 7.8 Daffodil Replicator 1.2.1 RIFE 0.7.2
Cactus 1.5rc1 EclipseME 0.4.5 1.1.2
JIDE Docking Framework 1.5 Eclipse 3.0 RC3 WebWindow 3.182
Java Date Picker 3.0 JXMLPad 2.4 RC1 QDox 1.5
JasperAssistant 1.2.2 Apache James 2.2.0 JReleaseInfo 1.2.0
J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2 beta SnipSnap 0.5.2a ZCache 1.21

The Truth is Out There…
Erik C. Thauvin

This story was published in the June 22, 2004 issue of the Javalobby Newsletter.