
Toots du Jour (Jul 24)

<1 min read

My distracting toots for July 24, 2024

Using LangChain4J for Structured JSON Output #ai…
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AIs Still Can't Win at Tic-Tac-Toe

<1 min read

I beat Google at Tic-Tac-Toe 18 years ago…

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Mobibot & Gemini AI

<1 min read

Last night, as an experiment, I added support for Google's Vertex AI Gemini API to Mobibot…

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Toots du Jour (Sep 8)

<1 min read

My disorderly toots for September 8, 2023

Programming With AI: How will generative programming transform programming languages? #ai…
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Toots du Jour (Jul 12)

<1 min read

My distracting toots for July 12, 2023

How to generate SQL statements with ChatGPT #ai…
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Toots du Jour (Jul 10)

<1 min read

My blatant toots for July 10, 2023

Create Your Own ChatGPT Application Using Spring Boot #ai…
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Toots du Jour (May 28)

<1 min read

My blusterous toots for May 28, 2023

Build a Java application to talk to ChatGPT…
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