
Cingular IM & Mail

1 min read

[@155] The Pulse Erik's Pulse has been published. [@528] Cingular IM & Mail Cingular introduced a couple of free J2ME clients for Instant Messaging and Mail….

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Erik's Pulse: 2005-10-18

3 min read

Erik's weekly column published in the Javalobby Newsletter.

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Erik's Pulse: 2005-08-09

3 min read

Erik's weekly column published in the Javalobby Newsletter.

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Erik's Pulse: 2005-07-05

2 min read

Erik's weekly column published in the Javalobby Newsletter.

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Erik's Pulse: 2005-06-14

3 min read

Erik's weekly column published in the Javalobby Newsletter.

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Shoppin Spree 2

3 min read

[@089] Shopping Spree 2 The Shopping Spree continues… Last Friday, I showed at CompUSA around 9am to grab a few things I had seen listed in a one day blast…

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Jabra BT800 mini-review

3 min read

Since I've gotten so much mail & IMs regarding my Jabra BT800 Bluetooth headset, I figured I'd post a mini-review to answer most of questions...

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