Moblog API
1 min read
Erik's Pulse has been published.
800 != 650
Apparently the Jabra BT800 Bluetooth headset is not fully compatible with the Treo 650. The issues are currently being researched and there is no timeline for a solution at this time.
Thanks Imshea for the report.
Moblog API
Textamerica has introduced a new XML-RPC-based API. Darla has been pestering me about it. I told her I'd check it out to see if I could incorporate it in LifeBlogger.
The API is very similar to, yet incompatible with, the MetaWeblog API. Why they decided to create a non-standard API, is beyond me. This is really not rocket science. Introducing yet another variation is a recipe for disaster.
I think Flickr had the right idea when they implemented the Atom API for Lifeblog.

David Czarnecki has already created TextAmerica4J.