Patch Deux

<1 min read

JavaPulsed Out

The Pulse will no longer be included in the JDJ Newsletter. Here's what I received this morning:

Hello, Erik,

After we'd put the newsletter together as usual, and after I'd sent you the link, at the very end of the day yesterday our CEO changed the newsletter content. He wishes to try out white papers in the space that Erik's Pulse has been occupying.

We'll maybe return and request running your column again at a future time, but right now it would probably be best to count us out for the next little while, as we give our CEO's white paper feature some time to see if it's effective.

Thanks, in the meantime, for a fabulous feature. Hope we'll keep on working together, even if it turns out to be on something different from the "Pulse" idea, in the future.

Regards, Lin

Lin Goetz
Online Editor, SYS-CON Media

Of course, the Pulse will continue in the Javalobby Newsletter.

JavaJReleaseInfo Patch #2

I've submitted another patch to the JReleaseInfo Project.