Erik's Pulse has been published.
Guillermo — Java Tools Community Press Conference.
JSwat Java Debugger 2.19, a JPDA based graphical Java debugger.
Mike — Is Any Bank Not Taking Part In The Google IPO?
Gerald — Scripting Language of the Year 2003 Award - And The Winner Is…
Donkey Kong JR. Flashy.
David — Syndication feed cleanup (GZIP Filter and Conditional GET plugin).
Dave — Scamming Technorati.
Real to launch AAC format music store. Advanced Audio Coding wrapped in Real's own Helix DRM technology, won't work on iPods.
Chuq — Hiring time…
Aaron — Unspeakable Things.
Matthew — 7 million and counting and Dave on Fawcette.
Joshua — 2004: the year of the Net-App.
Mark — XML Tutorials.
Mark — IDEA EAP #1071.
Wouter — JBoss Tutorials.
Danny — Smalltalk free books
Review: Windows XP SP2 Beta.
Frank — The quest for the ultimate mobile office.
Matt — We need a mobile-oriented top-level domain.
Matt — My Predictions for MacWorld Announcements.
CodeTek announces VirtualDesktop 3.0.
California eases up on Net phone rules and California Debuts New Online Privacy Laws.
Mike — We Need To Regulate TiVos Now?
iTunes DRM cracked wide open for GNU/Linux. DVD Jon unpicks locked music.
Paul — MTOtherBlog (v 0.25).
TiVo sues EchoStar over DVR patent. "Multimedia time warping system" patent.
Python UnZipped. Creating, extracting, and adding to Zip archives using the standard
Daniel — Agile Resolutions.
Carlos — Anemic Domain Model and SOA.
Tom — Anonymous confessions weblog.
Kevin — Nick Bradbury on software piracy.
Dion — Article: In pursuit of perfection. New Year Resolutions for Java.
Martin — Fedora and JDK 1.3.1.
Pinocio — On so-called Anemic Domain Model.
Simon — Joss Stone: A 'Norah Jones' moment.
Eric — Big List of Blog Search Engines.
Mike — PocketMac now for MS Smartphones!
Paul — GNU celebrates 20th anniversary.
New 2GB hard drive source for 'Mini iPods'? 2GB Cornice Storage Element.
Linux: 2.4.24 Stable Kernel, fixes a vulnerability in the mremap() syscall which could be used to gain root privileges.
Better search results than Google? and Grokker could be the future of search.
BitTorrent users chuckling over Pew peer-to-peer report. Isn't it possible that more of the trafficking is just moving off the radar? Duh!
Sam — CES: A-Z.
Daniel — XDoclet for Multiple Targets.
Fred — Code Generation in J2ME.
Anthony — Anemic Domain Model Reactions.
Mark — feedparser 2.7 is out.
Paul — Will Apple's innovations and influence ever translate into market share?.
Simon — JavaScript in Python.
Roxio unveils Toast With Jam 6.
MacWorld SF 2004 Keynote Satellite Coordinates. The satellite coordinates for the MacWorld San Francisco 2004 Keynote speech.
MacWorld SF 2004 Keynote Satellite Coordinates. The satellite coordinates for the MacWorld San Francisco 2004 Keynote speech.
JCE taglib for JSP 1.0RC, an open source JCE (strong encryption) JSP taglib.
Netcraft: Go Daddy, The Planet Continue Strong Growth.
Norway throws in the towel in DVD Jon case. No more appeals.
Dion — Opinion: Object Identity and how JDK 1.2+ removed a core feature.
XML Validation Structures: DTDs and schemas.
Blitz Project, an open source JavaSpaces implementation designed to ease development and deployment of JavaSpaces technology.
Matt — openMosix Summit 2004.
Tom — Nokia says 3G isn't for video calls - yet and Why operators love SMS.
Frank — Fight credit card fraud with SMS.
Mac site to give live SMS updates of MacWorld. MacTeens.
Songwriters Say Piracy Eats Into Their Pay. Songwriters think of themselves as the unsung victims of Internet music piracy since their incomes can depend on royalties…
Anthony — Server-side AWT.
Russ — Azureus And Sun's Big Mistake.
Charles — Huge Improvements in Java Performance, JavaGrande and Challenging C++ Performance.
Sam — Object Identity and why JDK 1.0.2/1.1 was better than 1.2+ .
Simon — file format book downloadable.
Leslie — Quick Links.
Dan — Director Gets JavaScript! Hooray!
Chiara — All these buzz words make me sick.
Keith — Links.
Lars — DocBook NG - first preview.
Cedric — A trip back with father Tiresias.
Roland — Express Yourself — Correctly.
MWSF Keynote QuickTime Stream Announced.
JASA 0.25, a high-performance auction simulation software in Java.
Tutorial: Demystifying the
RIAA Crackdown May Be Slowing Music Downloading. The percentage of Americans who download music online has been sliced in half, according to a report released Sunday.
We spent the night at Vicki's sister, dog-sitting while she's out of town.
Today's sponsor is Atlassian.