Fingerprint This!
Matthew — High Definition TV in Europe.
Russ — Print To Mobile continued…
David — blojsom 2.07 available.
Karl-Martin — Just links, Programming links
and Even more links.
Bob — Drools 2.0-beta-12.
Dan — Spammers May Be Their Own Undoing and Spam Stats Interesting.
Keith — Links.
Ara — DVD Conversion.
Brent — RSS Bandwidth and Gzip compression.
Kellan — Postfix: The Definitive Guide and - syndicated contact info.
Chris — Very sad sig…
Rui — Amid The Midlets and Want to help port KDE stuff to Mac OS X?
JMP3Renamer 1.7.3, a small tool written in Java which renames downloaded MP3 files with the help of CDDB entries.
HOWTO: build your own Flash Player RPM for FC1. In this tutorial you will learn how to build Flash Player RPM package and install it for Fedora Core 1.
Review of Gateway's 20GB MP3 player. PC Magazine review of the DMP-X20 Digital Music Jukebox.
Belgian watchdog sues record biz over copy protection. Anti-piracy protection illegal?
JavaLayerME 0.1.1. MP3 decoder library for J2ME/CDC platform.
3GPP + 3GPP2 + QuickTime: The Future Is Calling.
Darwin Streaming Server. The open source version of the QuickTime Streaming Server is now serving up 3GPP.
François — A journey into WiFi.
Washington Post's annual "In and Out" list for 2004. Better than most such lists. [via Amy's Robot Link Factory]
Mark — Relative URIs in HTML.
Joi — Judgmental technology.
Kevin — Brazil to Fingerprint US Tourists and Kill that EULA.
Glen — HSQLDB is rather nice.
Robert — IBM developing Google Killer?
Are You A Blogaholic? Apparently I'm a casual weblogger. Say what?
AT&T Wireless Offers Latin Mobile Content. Latin Garage.
You've Got Spam: AOL Blocks 1/2 Trillion Spam. That comes to 40 messages a day per user.
Matt — A little EL Lovin' for the DisplayTag.
Tim — Fawcette Doesn't Get It.
PLINK: people link, a FOAF search engine. [via anil dash's daily links]
Ted — Zsh vs bash?
Year in review: Copy protection goes mainstream. Hackers and critics kept up their opposition, but consumers and businesses began accepting digital rights management.
Matthew — Open Source - pure cloning?
ZauRSS 0.2.2, an RSS aggregator for Qtopia.
Guy — Go-faster WiFi - with one short spray!
Today's sponsor is Atlassian.