Goodnight, Angels...
Russ — Oracle's head of mobile products video interview on TSS.
Matt — YAR: Yet Another Roundup.
Matt — I got blasted today and Building high-content web applications.
Ted — Doesn't IBM know that Java developers need their Porsches too?
Steven — iPod Insomnia.
7-Zip 3.08 beta released.
Microsoft: Windows XP SP2 Will Ship Before Third Quarter 2004. Make up your mind, will ya?
Todd — FCC lifts AOL messaging limits.
The first cellphone with Smartphone 2003. Dopod 515.
First look at the new Loox. Pocket Loox 610 series.
JDBC-LDAP, OpenLDAP Bridge Driver.
Lurker's Guide to J2ME. News, links, etc.
Why SCO won't show the code. At SCO's annual reseller show, the company's execs put up a couple of slides as a way of demonstrating how Unix code had been “stolen” and put into Linux.
Guido van Rossum Speaks. The creator of the Python programming language.
TidBITS: A Mac user guide to the command line.
The SpyFinder. Can supposedly locate and detect any kind of hidden camera…
Tobias — Calling a new port.
Kevin — Black Sun eclipse plugins.
Rogers — We might already be a winner.
Email worm joins Blaster attack on Windows.
Shot by both sides.
Diego — yep, that's the one.
Linus on McBride's latest claim. “He's lying.”
Ted — Hjelsberg on Checked Exceptions, Java and C#.
Simon — WyPy: A Minimal Python Wiki.
Sony Ericsson P800 successor appears on web. Official launch any day now?
Russ — It's not obtuse enough yet! and The JVM needs to be thought of like the CLR.
Joe — Editorial Guidelines at JDJ.
a san juan — Now, how the $%$#! do you make money with J2ME!???!!!
Simon — Python – just say NO!
Crowbar — Chocolate – At Last – An XDoclet Plugin For JBuilder.
Steve — Interesting idea: Sic SpamAssassin on your RSS feeds.
Christoph — Hyades 1.0.2 GA release – Testing and ASQ for Eclipse.
EclipseME 0.0.1a, a cross-platform Eclipse IDE plugin or plugins to facilitate development of J2ME applications.
jGnash 1.6, a personal finance application written in Java.
Chris — JIRA 2.4 released.
Open-Source Engine Gets Java Jolt. SleppyCat.
Tech Tips: Unloading and Reloading Classes and Formatting Messages With Variable Content.
Matt — Struts Menu 1.3 Released!
Dominic — Toshiba e355 miniSync and JVM.
Michael — Developing Windows Applications on Mac OS X.
Dion — j2ee ides?
Vinny — JavaServer Faces (JSF) – Fact or Fiction.
Kevin — Runtime Constant Modification and Static “This’.
Tom — Nice regexp plugin.
Kismet 3.0.1, a 802.11 wireless network sniffer.
Jim — Spam of the week.
Portable Cell Phone Jammer. The US military is working on a gadget called the WolfPack.
Jeremy — Outlook Ex-press? Or Look Out Ex, Press? Or Press Outlook, Ex?
Morphon XML-Editor 3.1.2, a validating WSYSIWYG XML editor.
Industry targeting big pirates. The American music industry says it is not targeting small-time internet song-swappers but is going after those downloading “substantial” amounts of music.
The GPL will win, claims law prof.. Why SCO's latest tactic would fail a Law School exam.
On August 19, 1981 — The final episode of “Charlie's Angels” was aired on ABC-TV.