
2 min read


phoneDeveloping for the Motorola T720.

blogJan — Mozilla Museum.

blogAra — IDEA's plugin manager. I use it all the time to get new/updated plugins.

blogRuss — Digging WiFi. Anal probe, part deux.

blogFred — Why J2ME Developers Should Never Use BREW.

blogMitch — Wired Correspondence.

javaJSPTemplates 1.0, a Java JSP Template engine that is not limited to HTTP.


blogFred — Improving Java Application Garabage Collection Performance.

javaJFtp 0.96, a graphical Java FTP client.

blogMatt — Jabber Journal #5.

javaJFreeReport, a Java class library for generating PDF reports.


moviesX2. Trailer.

moviesShangai Knights. Trailer.

moviesBulletproof Monk. Trailer.

moviesDark Blue. Trailer.

moviesEquilibrium. Trailer.

javaRootCause Tracing Tool Gets Tight With J2EE.

blogMike — Remotely interacting with Java on OS X.

javaImageApp, Java Advanced Imaging GUI.

newsBush doll speaks, and misspeaks.

javaBenchmark Tag Library.

On December 14 1503, Physician, astrologer and clairvoyant, Nostradamus, was born at St. Remy, Provence, France.