I'm on fire!
Dominic — EJB Solutions book resources and Flock 0.5.
Canon to OS X scanner users…here are your drivers.
David Lee Roth Sues Van Halen.
BEA to reposition WebLogic software. The Swiss Army knife for business software development.
Need a job? Try Adobe. Profits are up, will hire aggressively this quarter.
Sprint's unlimited data service has a catch. Thanks, Jim.
Validator, Eclipse, and FOP, oh my!
David — blogs.application-servers.com. Tres cool!
Keith — Damnit.
Matt — Setup a Certificate Authority for Java-based Systems.
Russ — Free eBook: Java AI and Observations.
Fred — Java Swing Tutorial Updated for 1.4.
Robert — Apple iPod Update Available.
Maverick. Yet another MVC framework.
Java Simple Aim. SAIM.
OS 9 gets a six-month reprieve.
Spam headaches getting worse. No kidding!
David — Unicode 4.0.0 Alpha. uC00L
Rickard — Floyd registers his blog at java.blog.
Fred — Lord Palmerston on Programming. Good stuff.
Techno artist Moby attacked in Boston. Bummer.
Xedit for Java. An IBM tool for migrating content editing environment for mainframe (VM/CMS) 3270 terminals to an e-business environment.
JFCUnit 1.03, an open source extension to the JUnit framework that enables you to execute unit tests against code that presents a Swing based interface.
Carlos — Why I Don't Like JDO.
Matt — What Maven Does. The saga continues.
Damien — Why programmers don't like to write documentation?
Scott — Spam Conference! January, 2003, Boston.
AT&T Wireless fine print irks customers. Read the fine print.
Cardinal Law resigns. Let's break out the champagne.
French up in arms as @ sign sparks fury. Vive le Franglais!
XPath Explorer, an open-source Java GUI application that lets you interactively experiment with XPath.
PureTest, a new free functional and regression testing product.
Bill — Running XSLT batch jobs with Ant.
Tivo 2 Features On the Horizon. Still no ability to share, like ReplayTV.
Microsoft's top 10 challenges for 2003.
Jim — Prediction software beats human tipsters.
Dave W
hiner wants bloggers to support his API.
Why should we, Dave? Are there any technical merits? Pretty please is just not going to cut it.I suspect that what you really want is control, and that is not about to happen. We've been down this road before. We all remember the RSS 2.0 fiasco.
We want to support open standards, not UserLand's half-ass standards.
That's the thing you don't get about standards, Dave, you have to relinquish them to the community at large. If you keep a tight leash, it just becomes proprietary crap that nobody really gives a damn about. We'll support them until something open comes along.
The time is now!
Why don't you stick to blogging about how much you miss smoking, and leave the technical stuff to people that genuinely care and truly understand technology.
James — What Does Maven Do?
Jason — Rational XDE…. review complaint!
Japan cleans up its hi-tech act. Japan is taking the lead in developing hi-tech products that protect the planet.
Oracle readies a new round of software. Ready for launch early next year.
On December 13 1913, The Sunday New York World printed a puzzle called a “word-cross.” The puzzle was a success and became a weekly feature. The name eventually evolved into “crossword.”