NetNewsWire, SpamAssassin

1 min read

macNetNewsWire 1.0 has been released. Congrats on the smooth delivery, Brent.

linuxLinux Developers: Robertson's Lindows is a Piece of Crap.

usWe've ordered a 433MHz G4 iMac Upgrade for Vicki's machine.

linuxI've upgraded SpamAssassin to version 2.4.1 using the new source RPM. Here are the steps I used under Red Hat 7.3:

    rpm -ivh spamassassin-2.41-1.src.rpm
    cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
    rpm -ba -vv --target i686 spamassassin.spec

Once completed the RPMS will be located in


To install a new RPM:

    rpm -ivh <filename>.rpm

To upgrade/freshen an existing RPM:

    rpm -Fvh <filename>.rpm

newsAccording to the New York Times, Spam is estimated to count for 32% of all email sent. That's roughly two billion pieces of junk sent on a daily basis.

macEllison resigns from Apple board. Interesting.

javaResin: The Instant Application Server. We like Resin for your production servers.

musicMajor Hole in RIAA Exposed. Clueless!

macThe Macintosh Business Expo will be held in Seattle on October 3. Vicki and I went a couple years ago. I just registered us and made reservation for dinner at Anthony's.

blogErin Clerico: "I have and do admit that I was wrong, hasty, a moron, a bully, a low life, a Nazi and all of the other unkind things that the blogging community has said about me and my actions. I'm human, I made a mistake, I admit it and quickly rectified it."

macInstalling Sun ONE Studio (NetBeans/Forte) under OS X.