1 min read
Axis Applet. Cool!
Mac OS X 10.2.1 and iTunes 3.0.1 have been released.
RefactorIT has been optimized for OS X.
MacCVSClient 1.7 available for OS X. I'll have to give it a try. I use MacCvs 3.1 but it hasn't been updated in a long while.
Find your old BBS Mates. That's me and my old board.
Genealogists say Di, Churchill, Bush are related. Scary!
NetNewsWire Lite 1.0fc2. Brent is burning the midnite oil.
Russell's rss feed is broken, and his email address is bouncing. I guess he's incommunicado.
Dave still has monsters under his bed, and his heart is broken. Boo woo.
M$ reveals critical Java flaws. Déjà vu all over again.