Ready for XP

<1 min read

Getting Ready for XP

My friend, Gabe, is helping me choose the right components for a new PC workstation. Which is really good, because I haven't really kept up to speed.

I think I'll turn my current workstation into a secondary Linux box, running Red Hat 7.1.

Java 1.4

I've been playing with JDK 1.4 for most of the week. I did find a few AWT UI inconsistencies which we'll need to address, but other than that everything looks pretty good.

Borland C++

I needed to write a native Java application launcher for Windows (which turned out to be a pain) so I gave C++ Builder a try. I'd recommend the free edition to anybody who has a need for a good C/C++ compiler sans IDE.

I also grabbed a copy of JBuilder, but haven't had a chance to try it yet. In case you wondered, I primarily use jEdit and Jikes for Java development under Windows. I fire up NetBeans whenever I'm in need of creating complex UI elements.

Pretty Maids

I've been listening to this song a lot.

Only in California

Don't forget to get your Environmental License Plate.