
<1 min read


Just heard the news. Jake is coming home today. He's reached his optimum weight and feeds regularly. Needles to say that Mon and Dad are ecstatic.

Windows Media Player 7.1.2

That was my friend Gabe's last project. Now he's developing games for the Xbox. Still working for the Evil Empire, and loving every minute of it.

Sharp Zaurus

Zaurus Reviewed

In lieu of a vaporware iWalk, I'd glady settle for one of these. My Palm has been sitting on its cradle for month, collecting dust. I just don't have much use for it anymore.

Wendy's Founder Passes Away

I'll miss Dave's cheesy commercials.


My kind of deal. Sell for $82.5 million, buy back couple years later for $2.4 million.

Microsoft: Pay Up!

You gotta love Nader.

Legalize Music CD Burning

I want to be able to make or download mp3s of CDs I already own. I already paid for the songs; I should be able to listen to them on any device I damn choose. The recording industry is so used to dictate their own rules that they simply don't know what to do with this digital media revolution. They can smell the opportunity but are unable to figure out a way to capitalize on it.

iMac Nicknames

iLamp, iBlob, iDeskLamp, and my favorite, iFlat. Hopefully, it won't be iFlaky or iFailed.

Van Pick-up

My van is ready. We're going to pick it up tomorrow. I'll unfortunately be $2900 poorer when all is said and done. Ouch!

On January 9, 1902 New York State introduced a bill to outlaw flirting in public.