New XP Box

1 min read

New Box

I've just ordered a barebone PC from AccessMicro. Here are the specs:

My friend, Gabe, greatly helped with selecting the final components.

I've never used AccessMicro before, but have always gotten great service from their parent company, McGlen.

It should arrive in 9 to 12 days. Then, I'll likely add the following:

I intend to run Windows XP Professional, of course.

I haven't completely made up my mind yet, but I think I'll turn my current workstation into a secondary Linux server.

Award This

Since the sweeps are over, most of our favorite shows are stuck in repeat mode. We ended watching the Billboard Awards on Tuesday night. I basically came to the conclusion that I truly dislike awards shows. There's really nothing more annoying than a bunch of overpaid artists patting themselves on the back.

Whether the winners are chosen by their peers or based on sales, the whole premise is utterly ridiculous. Of course, there are few shows where the fans actually cast the votes. In other words, the ones nobody cares about except for the exposure and publicity they provide.


I've been cracking and eating walnuts lately, which is pretty messy. It makes me wonder how commercial nut hullers actually work… And what about sunflower seeds?


A nifty little utility for managing files in Java ARchives.

On December 6, 1865 The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. The amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.