Twits du Jour (Jul 7)

<1 min read
  • @THErealDVORAK They should have turned Neverland into a Graceland of sorts, with museum and all. They can't be needing money this bad. #
  • RT @google: Introducing the Google Chrome OS #
  • @JasonCalacanis Important to ask questions, yes, but only re: things that actually matters. Otherwise it's just a waste of everybody's time. #
  • Just overheard on TV that man is the only primate afraid of heights. #
  • RT @LighterFootstep: No, corn-based ethanol isn't quite dead yet -- thanks to a growing army of lobbyists: #
  • Watching ABC. Martin Bashir is such a hack. #
  • @eonline Outstanding commentary. Thanks! #mj #
  • RT @gerikson: RT @rsms: Today Adobe Air is what #Java applications used to be — bad user experience deployable anywhere. #