Twits du Jour (Jul 8)

<1 min read
  • Erik's Tumbles - Dead Snake #
  • I'm gonna start laughing hysterically if I see another 'Microsoft shaking in its boots because of Goobuntu' article. #
  • Sure. Give a Nobel Peace Prize to Twitter. Then they'll have to change their logo to a white dove. #
  • I wonder if Google removed the Beta moniker from many apps today to facilitate incorporation in the Chrome OS. Nobody wants a beta-based OS. #
  • Hardline's best album to date. Probably won't get any traction, which is too bad. ♫ #
  • @gerikson Yeah, with Chrome (the browser) as the center piece. Apps will be web-based. #
  • @RussB They have a long road ahead, to say the least. #