Erik's Pulse: 2007-03-13

3 min read
 The Pulse
Erik C. Thauvin maintains a blog, as well as one of the web's first and most popular linkblogs, which he updates daily with the latest Java and technology news.

Erik C. ThauvinPicks of the Week:

Tip of the Week:

How To Retrieve Remote JVM Monitoring And Management Information

Tutorial of the Week:

DTrace and Java: Exposing Performance Problems That Once Were Hidden

Notable Software Releases:

A03 Look And Feel RC1 Advanced Installer 4.8 AnthillPro 3.2.0
Apache Jackrabbit 1.2.3 Apache Struts 1.3.8 GA Artifactory 1.2
Atomsphere DB Visual ARCHITECT for Eclipse 4.0 SP1 DB Visual ARCHITECT for NetBeans 4.0 SP1
DBsight 1.3.8 Excelsior JET 4.8 MP2 GFP 0.7.2
Image Uploader Applet 1.0 iText 2.0.1 Jagacy 3270 1.5
Java SE 1.5.0_11 Java SOS 5.25 Java Unified Expression Language 2.1.0
jDTAUS 2.0.8 JIRA 3.8 JoSQL 1.5
JSch 0.1.32 JSmooth 0.9.9 JUnit 4.3
LockSmith 1.0 Luke 1.7 MindTerm 3.1.2
NetBeans jVi 0.8.3 PaperClips Printing Library 1.0.1 RabbIT 3.8
Rad Inks Secure FTP applet 2.00 Redline RPM Library 1.0.8 Remuco 0.4.3
Restlet 1.0 RC5 Scenic 0.12.2 Scriptlandia 2.2.0
SDE for Eclipse 4.0 SP1 SDE for Eclipse Professional Edition 4.0 SP1 SDE for NetBeans Community Edition 4.0 SP1
Sleep 2.1-b12 Sparklines for Java 1.2 SyntheticaAddons 0.9.2
TWaver Swing Components 1.5 Visual Paradigm for UML Community Edition 6.0 SP1 VLDocking 2.1.4
WidgetServer 1.4.0

The Truth is Out There…
Erik C. Thauvin

This story was published in the March 13, 2007 issue of the Javalobby Newsletter.