

4 min read

[@988] Russ — Nokia's Series 60 XHTML-MP Guide. Deploy Your J2ME Application on a Sprint Phone. Fun stuff with .jads. TSS Article: Testing Java Classes with…

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6 min read

[@029] Refux — Eclipse plugins I use everyday. Carlos — 101 Reasons Why Java is Better than .NET (Reloaded). VeriSign To Run New RFID Root Directory. EPCglob…

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6 min read

[@121] Rael — Best iPod/car mind-meld evar. Kevin — What I tested wasn't really a mock. Matt — The Verge Web Framework. Mike — Open Source FUD - The Verge Fr…

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Macworld: Last Day

4 min read

[@034] Court Rejects Settlement Claims. Microsoft vs. Lindows. Rael — Z600 as Bluetooth Modem. Bill — AppleScript XSLT Tools 2.0 Beta. Release o…

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Macworld 3 - CES 1

6 min read

[@181] Content feeds with RSS 2.0. This article reviews RSS 2.0, looks at new RSS developments, and jump-starts your understanding of this important format….

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Macworld Day 2

8 min read

[@161] Sorry for the lack of update this afternoon. We returned to Vicki's sister house only to find out that the power was out. We immediately had to take e…

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Snowed in, again.

6 min read

[@067] Made it! 35mph on the freeway which was fine by me since I was stuck in 4WD most of the way. [@024] I'm going to try to make my way down to Vicki. She…

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