Macworld 3 - CES 1
6 min read
Content feeds with RSS 2.0. This article reviews RSS 2.0, looks at new RSS developments, and jump-starts your understanding of this important format.
Magic with Merlin: The generics prototype.
Laurent — SWT/JFace/Windows Media Player.
Jason — Are there Java jobs in the UK?
Kathy — Rekindle your passion for programming.
Hani — Touch my YAUL!
Andreas — GeoServer 1.1.0 Released.
Aaron — Counterpoint: Downloading Isn't Stealing.
Bob — Java object serialization: readResolve() is broken..
Jeremy — Bill's Vision Of Our Home Future and The USB Pen.
Rui — Why GarageBand Matters.
Philips, Visa advance wireless pay cards. Plans to further develop a wireless technology that aims to let shoppers pay everywhere —without opening their wallets.
Niel — JPluck is a must have for Palm PDAs.
O'Reilly releases "Running Mac OS X Panther".
JPluck 2.0.8, a Plucker document creation toolkit.
Mike — Morgan Freeman To Release Next Film Online.
Password Manager 3.2, a Java-based password manager.
Dion — Squiggle SQL Builder for Java Released.
Rusty — The figure that sticks in my memory from Steve Jobs' keynote…
Archos launches 20GB disk-based MP3 player. GMINI 220 is the "industry's smallest 20GB portable MP3 player."
Unlimited international calling arrives. AT&T calling plans, around $50/month.
Sendo X gets speech recognition. UK smartphone gets speaker-independent voice recognition thanks to Voice Signal.
SSL/Java : Bug du 07/01/04. The Verisign certificate distributed with the JVMS expired Jan 7, 2004.
Daniel — The time on Mars.
JAMon API 1.0, a Performance Tuning API.
Diego — bittorrent is nice, but…
HP to license iPod from Apple. HP-branded player and iTunes on HP PCs.
Java Card S Program. The new Java Card program to accelerate worldwide adoption.
Glenn — U.S. Leads Home Wi-Fi Market.
Kevin — More JGoodies coming and Fontifier: get your handwriting in a font for free.
Rusty — Robert Oloffson has posted version 0.38 of Java Memory Profiler (JMP).
David — IntelliJ Aurora build #1080 is out, Writing Groovy templates in blojsom and RE: Tech Firms Defend Moving Jobs Overseas
Michael — Web Page Color Scheme Picker.
Matt — Cactus and Form-Based Authentication.
Brian — JBoss and Guerilla Marketing: Richard Saunders.
Cameron — JVM Sharing is IN?!?!?!?!
Jay — what's the difference between a geek, a nerd and a dork?
RealPlayer for Windows 10.0 Beta Released.
Motorola licenses Wheels of Zeus for electronics. The latest venture of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.
Mike — DVD-Sharing Device And Fair Use Questions. Archos Video Player.
Grouping objects with the Java Collections Framework. Grouping objects is possibly the most common task a software developer will perform on a day-to-day basis.
When a constant isn't really a constant. Cyclic class dependencies can create unpredictable runtime behavior.
JDataGrid 1.0 Released.
Model for Self-Managing Java Servers, a working model of a non-stopping, Java-based server.
Jeremy — List of Java and Win32 stuff.
Paul — "Eclipse: Step-by-Step" is great.
Fred — IBM gets Linux Desktop in 2005.
Derek — Check your framework at the door.
Wendong — TagandScan: create the virtual city.
Joi — Google whois quicklink.
Keith — WinExposé.
Simon — A hacker's introduction to OS X.
Keyspan introduces revolutionary USB Server. Share printers, hard drives, scanners and more.
French DVD Player Ignoring Anti-Copying Code. Already sold 100,000 units in the last 6 months.
More on getters and setters. How to use the Gang of Four Builder design pattern to construct both Web-based and client-side user interfaces without exposing your object's implementation to the entire program.
Attack of the clones. Time and space considerations in four different approaches to implementing deep clone() methods.
Live from CES: Bill Gates' keynote address.
Mike — Mailblocks Offers Free, Scaled Down Challenge Response.
Sony to Launch Online Music Service, New Mini Disc (Reuters). 500,000 songs for downloading at about $1 per tune.
Today's sponsor is Atlassian.