
Happy B-Day, Dad!

4 min read

[@146] Debug Tracer. An XML-driven debugging automation tool for Java. Matt — Send in the Links. Russ — Redhat Linux. Anthony — Build Your Own Synth. David —…

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4 min read

[@041] Tutorial: Using Data Sources the Right Way Learn how to set up a version 5.0 data source through the IBM WebSphere Application Server. Delivering SOAP…

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2 min read

[@892] Matt — Oscar Nods. Daniel — Not a Design Pattern. Buy Zaurus, Run OS X Apps. mySTEP. Jeff — FREE AntiVirus program. Rusty — Sun has released JFluid 1….

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What a difference a ';' makes...

4 min read

[@842] Werner — Are they for real? - Part II The Disspointment. Mike — Pepsi Ad Using Kids Sued By The RIAA. Trailer for Kill Bill, volume 2 is out. [via Amy…

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5 min read

[@232] Juha — Ant vs. Maven. Alan — WebProxyBOT v1.1. Andrej — Unit tests to validate html? David — IntelliJ Aurora EAP #1117 available. Felipe — Extra! Extr…

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2 min read

[@106] Introduction to JavaServer Faces. Developing Web Interfaces with JSF. Russ — URL Rewrite Filter. Dion — Opinion: Porting between Java and C#. Satya —…

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Napster Download Cards

6 min read

[@104] Tom — .NET on Panther. Asymmetric Encryption Keys With the KeyPairGenerator and Encryption and Decryption Using Symmetric Keys. My feed is now listed…

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