
bld Extensions Updates

<1 min read

A couple bld extensions have been recently updated…

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bld 1.9.0 is out!

<1 min read

We just released bld 1.9.0, the pure Java build tool for developers who don't like dealing with build tools.

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Toots du Jour (Feb 23)

<1 min read

My distracting toots for February 23, 2024

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3 min read

Lilith, an infamous bounty hunter with a mysterious past, reluctantly returns to her home, Pandora, the most chaotic planet in the galaxy…

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Why I moved my blog to RIFE2 after 23 years?

3 min read

In April 2023 I decided to move this blog to the RIFE2 full-stack framework. It was previously built using…

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Accidental Texan

3 min read

Fresh-faced recent Harvard student Erwin flames out of his first professional acting job when he forgets to turn off his phone and triggers…

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