iFit & iWorkout
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Hello Erik
We are sorry. The following question has been removed by our administrator due to violation of the rules.
Question: - Who's your daddy?Details of Violation:
Reason of Violation: The act of guessing at a riddle and other exchanges unrelated to Knowledge Service : Please post a legitimate question.
Point Deduction: -0
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Yahoo! Answers Team
The correct answer was Angelina Jolie. Yahoo! Answers has no sense of humor.
iFit & i2Workout
On Monday we received our new NordicTrack C2300 treadmill. I had to enlist a neighbour's help to take it up to be bedroom.
I'm still pissed at Motor Cargo for only providing curb-side delivery. — Thanks Bill.
It took Vicki and I (yes, it is a two men's job) around 45 minutes to put it together. It came mostly assembled, except for the wheels, the console and the hydraulics.
I did my first workout on Tuesday morning. It's very silent and quite comfy, but I hate the presets (walk, jog, run). The custom options are a pain to setup too.
I decided to look into the iFit.com support. They do offer a few workout samples, but I'd have to hookup my laptop's audio to the treadmill to use them. CDs and MP3s are available at a cost. They also have premium services, which sound like a big joke to me.
Enters i2Workout, a nifty little shareware application that lets you create your own iFit-compatible workouts. It can export to MP3s (or CDs) with or without soundtracks.
I gave it a try last night with my Carbon, worked like a charm.