Daily Newz

<1 min read

Microsoft hacker fired. Seems like a nice guy.

Linux 2.4 is here. The 2.4 kernel contains several improvements. For desktop use, the most notable improvement is support for the multitude of printers, digital cameras, scanners, keyboards, mice, network cards, modems, Zip drives and other devices that plug into the universal serial bus port.

Mac developers see life in OS 9. Some software makers are questioning Apple's decision to put all its eggs in Mac OS X's basket. I think it's pretty obvious that Apple intends to and will support both OS 9 and OS X for a while to come.

Oscar pro picks flix, We haven't seen Traffic, yet, but probably will tomorrow. I'd have to hope for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but I doubt many Academy members will actually have seen it. After all we had to locate a theater that played it and even wait a few hours because our show was sold out.

Apple Open Source License updated. Also see the Free Software Foundation response.

MacOSX and XFree86 run side by side. XonX has announced interoperability between Xfree86 and MacOSX. Relatedly, Xfree86 now supports the Darwin platform and XFree86 binaries are available.

Windows: McAfee VirusScan Definition update.

Macintosh: CD Finder 3.0.1. Bug fix release.

BugTraq: Mac OS 9 Multiple Users Control Panel Password Vulnerability.