Random Thoughts
1 min read
OSS Java
So now than Sun said open source Java will happen at some undetermined point in time, everybody is doing the happy-joy-joy dance.
How quickly you forget?
Don't you remember when Sun said it would have Java standardized?
Way to go, Sun. Keep on dangling that carrot…
Matt is getting married. Congrats!
His parents must be ecstatic. He's finally moving out.
IDEA vs. Eclipse
I've read/heard it a thousand times, Eclipse is faster than IDEA, and it still makes me laugh. They both are slow as molasses at times.
I'm playing with Parasoft Jtest. I find it quite interesting that they are using Eclipse as a framework. At least it makes for familiar ground. The verdict so far: good. It's extremely slow, but it does generate useful tests and reports.
Amazon Tag Library
I wonder if there is a need for a tag library, like the Google TagLib, but for the Amazon API. Arjun has suggested it. I don't really know how much work it would be, but if there is some interest… Let me know.
Talking about Amazon. I had an interesting chat with someone working there yesterday. I found out a bit about the technology behind the scene, and how they handle 600 hits per second. Fascinating stuff.