
1 min read


We went to see Hellboy last weekend. Lots of laughs, but not enough action for my taste. We're planning on seeing Kill Bill v2 next.


Have you tried jvmstat? You really should.

visualgc (pictured) is quickly becoming one of my must-have tool.


JavaInstall4J Rocks

I've been putting together an installer for a new project. Normally I would use InstallAnywhere. Since I needed to install a daemon/service, I decided to give Install4J a try instead.

I have to admit that I'm seriously impressed. Install4J's UI is very straight forward, no fluff.

Somehow I always end up having to write plugins for IA. The whole process is quite laborious and tedious. On the other hand, Install4J's API is a breeze. Simple and to the point.

I did have to create a few custom screens. Swing is really not my forte, but I managed (with a little help from Diego — Thanks!)


I also found a small issue under OS X, which was fixed by Hannes right away.

What else can you ask for? Oh yeah… It's a lot cheaper too. :-)