1 min read
XMLRSS vs. Atom Matthew no longer cares. Nor do I. I stopped caring during the RSS 0.94/2.0 debacle. I contributed, got chastised for it. Forget that. One thing that does strike me as being overlooked though, is simplicity. I recall the first time I looked at RSS, I was pleasantly surprised to see how easy it was to deal with. I can't say the same thing of Atom. I do believe that a syndication format should be accessible to everyone. If someone wants to syndicate their site using some rudimentary Javascript, they should be able to. I don't subscribe to the argument that the API complexity is irrelevant since the tools, libraries, etc. are made (or will be) available to all. XML may not have been intended to be a manually manageable format, it is used that way everyday. Deal with it. [@562]
Java1.4.2_04 I installed JDK 1.4.2_04 on the server. Not quite sure what the changes are since the release notes haven't been updated, yet. So far it seems to be using a lot less memory.

[Update] The release notes have been updated. Lots of fixes.

JavaLobbyJL I wrote a guest column for the JavaLobby Newsletter. It was a bit more work than I originally anticipated, but quite fun. Thanks Rick for the opportunity. Where did the links go? Visit my new Linkblog.