
5 min read


meErik's Pulse has been published.

meI spent part of the weekend creating a new bot for #mobitopia using PircBot.

Paul has really put together a very nice API. I was able to emulate (and improve) on the functionality of the current ChumpBot in just a few hours.


java blogRick — Defensive Programming and Desktop Java.

java blogCarlos — Most Valuable Personalities in Java.

mobile blogJim — Taco Enabled.

java blogRuss — Stress Monkey.

java blogAngus — Java Job in Williamsburg Va.

java blogBill — Source Beat is Live!

java blogRusty — I am pleased to announce the release of XOM 1.0d23, my open source, dual streaming/tree-based API for processing XML with Java.

java blogPeter — java 1.4.2 for osx.

blogPaul — RSS Reprieve.

java blogAdrian — A new Eclipse site launched … but, wait !

development blogKeith — Xerces 2.6.1 — nasty CDATA bug?!

mac blogBrent — NetNewsWire and NetNewsWire Lite 1.0.8.

javaPMD-1.5. New rules added, etc.

macApple releases Safari update. 10.3 only.

javaJavaThrottle 0.4. A pipe bandwidth limiter.

javaEclipse position on Sun's open letter. A response from the Eclipse Foundation.

windowsMicrosoft patches IE flaws. No more usernames and passwords embedded in URLs. What kind of fix is that?


javaTutorial: Building Java Web Services with Apache Axis, part 2.

javaTutorial: Secure Java servlet Web apps with HttpSession.

java blogDaniel — Sun's letter to Eclipse.

javaLive JDK 1.5 Code Examples. Live code examples for the Google Web Services API, the Amazon Web Services API, the PayPal API, and others.

javaJDebugTool 3.3.5 a graphical Java debugger built on top of JPDA.

javaOracle9i JDeveloper available for download.

blogDiego — my wired | tired | expired.

mobile blogMatt — Mobile Interface Myths.

blogRuss — Waiting for Apple's Big Thing, Up on Tomcat 5 and Stereolab.

mobileReview: The Motorola MPx200 Smartphone 2002.

mobile blogAnthony — I Want My Mobile Content.

blogAngsuman — How to create URL without A tag + A demonstration of the famed IE bug.

blogDave — The Weblog Community Aggregator.

java blogBrian — WinLAF 0.4 Released.

java blogRusty — The XML Apache Project has released version 2.6.1 of Xerces-J.

java blogMichael — .NET and Java for Shareware Application Development.

java blogMatt — Tomcat's Ant Tasks and [AppFuse] Use Velocity instead of JSPs for your view?

blogPawn — Top Ten List.

java blogCarlos — More on the Naked Objects remake.

development blogJan — Adding Users to a Microsoft ActiveDirectory via LDAP/JNDI.

java blogVinny — IDEA 4.0 and WebLogic.

java blogGoldy — Free Java Source Codes.

python blogMark — Universal Feed Parser 3.0 beta.

blogRajesh — Kaaza and Skype Creators.

mac blogBrent — ecto 1.0 released.

java blogLance— An Ant Target that every project should have…

mac blogErik — Rock Star, Build 13.

java blogPankaj — Accessing Windows Certificates from Java.

mac blogRealRadix — art4iTunes - album art generator for iTunes.

linux blogRui — HOWTO/Set Up daapd on Fedora Linux.

java blogPierre — Java Games for Nokia phones.

java blogCharles — Source of Duplicate Posts on Javablogs.

javaInforma 0.5.0, a RSS Library for Java.

javaInline::Java 0.45. A tool to write Perl classes in Java. 

javaTrio Forms Eclipse Plug-In Portal. EPIC, Eclipse Plug-In Central.

blogMike — Entertainment Exec Says Pepsi iTunes Ads Libelous Against Kids.

mobileT-Mobile to offer Wi-Fi to Comcast customers. Free "day pass", free trial month, free month with annual subscription.

sponsorToday's sponsor is Mobitopia.