Santa brought to me...
The Apache Jakarta team announces Lucene 1.3 Final.
Matt — Archos AV380.
Michael — Achieving better compression with Deflater.
Michael — Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer Exam — draft objectives posted on JavaRanch.
Lance — Scooping Erik Thauvin. :-)
Superslim USB 2.0 Flash drives. New line of incredibly small USB 2.0 Flash memory drives from Adtec that are a mere 2.8mm thick.
What's next for the Pocket PC? Chris De Herrera of CEWindows.Net has some thoughts on what's next for the Pocket PC.
Two new singers break boundaries. Joss Stone and Fefe Dobson.
Adam — pay 4 spam.
Paul — LindowsOS 4.5 vs. Sun Java Desktop System 2003.
Daniel — Aspects.
Daniel — XDoclet Load Groups.
Erik — XDoclet in Action and Running Mac OS X Panther.
Nelson — AT&T Wireless secret number.
jGossip 1.0.0 024, a forum implemented on the J2EE platform using Struts. Year in review.
Web site picks year's top word. Embedded, blog and SARS.
IBM's Unpublished Cases. Groklaw continues to follow the back-and-forth filings in the SCO v. IBM case.
MySQL 5.0.0 (Alpha) Released. Includes support for SQL-99 stored procedures.
Opera Proposes XForms Alternative: Web Forms 2.0.
Review: Sprint Handspring Treo 600.
Ugo — iTunes Gift Certificate ouside the U.S.
Michael — Building javadoc from J2SDK source code.
Jeremy — Wardriving in Toledo.
Kellan — OreillyNet: Best articles of 2003.
Cedric — EJB restrictions.
Stefan — domain sold for $1.3m.
Get ready for 802.11n wireless networking. 100Mbps.
Tutorial: Java language essentials.
YourKit Java Profiler 2.0 beta released.
SnipSnap 0.5, a weblog and wiki system..
Hani — Christmas Special: bilebile.
Danny — FOAF Xmas.
ActivePerl ActivePerl 5.8.2 build 808.
The Java Specialists' Newsletter: End of Year Puzzle.
Here's what Santa brought me:
- Accelerated C++: Practical Programming by Example, which was on my wish list per Jim's recommendation.
- X-Men: The Ultimate Guide.
- X-Men UNO card game.
- 24 Season 2.
- Angel Season 2.