
2 min read


usWe're on our way to dinner at Vicki's sister. Have a Merry X-Mas Eve!

tvDish Network DVR-921 HD DVR Reviewed.

blogDave — Links.

java blogDion — TSS Article: Return of the eXo Portal Platform.

blogRobert — Open Source Tablet PC Notetaking app.

blogTodd — Office of Homeland Defense issues overflight approval.

moblogCarlos — A whole bunch of quickies.

moblogWendong — SSH and telnet tools for J2ME.


java blogPunit — Few More Portlet Links and Resources.

blogLeslie — Quick Links.

java blogTed — No, Servlets do NOT need to die….

mobileI Want My Phone TV. Cell phones now include MP3 players, Web browsers, and cameras, so it was only a matter of time before television arrived.

javaA J2EE overview. Java has become widely accepted not only as the Web-programming model but also as the strategic programming technology for almost all enterprises.

javaThe Many Forms of Garbage Collection Have a Common Goal. The Java and .NET platforms take different approaches to freeing unused memory, but there are telling similarities below the surface. 

java blogDaniel — Paper prototyping.

javaJ2SE SDK 1.5 "Tiger" Alpha Release ready for download.

java blogLaurent — A look at JBuilder X.

java blogNick — JDK1.5 Alpha Rant.

blogKrzysztof — Subversion is ALMOST 1.0beta.

java blogLasse — My first JavaRanch articles are out there.

blogAdam — hot wheels.

java blogBob — Lazy loading and caching expensive objects.

javaFreeGuide TV Guide 0.6.3, a TV guide program which grabs listings from the Internet.

technology10 technologies to watch in 2004.

moviesMovie theaters going digital. Number of theaters showing digital flicks expected to double.

java blogDion — Article: WebDAV comes to Java with Slide.

javaEclipse HTML Tidy 1.1.1 released.

sponsorToday's sponsor is Atlassian.