Open Source Firm Releases Patch for IE Bug. Fixes Internet Explorer's URL spoofing vulnerability.
David — IntelliJ Aurora, build 998 is available.
Matt — Ant 1.6 Released!
Paul — Hidden costs of Mac ownership.
Microsoft Responds to Real Networks Suit. Same old song, Microsoft says.
Tutorial: Apache Ant 101: Make Java builds a snap.
Tutorial: Master the Tiles framework.
Tutorial: J2ME 101, Part 2: Introduction to MIDP's low-level UI.
Work with sprites in J2ME. Images are spicing up wireless PDAs, and sprites offer great graphic manipulation.
Greg — Servlets must DIE! Slowly!!
Squid Analyzer 2.0, a tool which parses the native access log format of the Squid proxy.
Russ — Intrablogs and cleaning cruft.
JHome 1.0.0, Java Home Automation.
Redhat Announces its Java Application Server. Redhat has beaten Apache's Geronimo to the punch… at least in releasing code for their Java application server.
Fedora Core 2 Schedule Up. The Fedora website has posted a schedule for their second release.
Alan — Cool use of RDS.
Dave — Doesn't anybody have anything bad to say about Groovy?
Michael — Links: Open Source Research, Dell Systems Management, Google Stickyness.
Matt — Interested in Java ISP Options.
Cedric — AOP refactoring.
Sam — Axis API via WSDL.
Apple offers developers Xcode 1.1 update.
RealNetworks files antitrust suit against Microsoft. Illegally using its Windows monopoly to limit consumer choice in digital media.
I've just implemented random RSS taglines as part of my Exclusive Sponsorship Program.
Today's sponsor is currently enjoying an average of around 2 views per minute, with a 2.5% clickthru rate.

Daniel — Cryptography.
BEA and Compuware partner on Java development. Companies to link WebLogic Workshop and OptimalJ.
Will Wi-Fi Developers Stick with Java GLOO? A Java-based platform for creating network applications that distribute multimedia content in a peer-to-peer fashion between devices.
Exchanger XML Editor V1.2 Released.
Matt — Linux Kernel 2.6.0, Baby! and Top 5 applications from the Sony Ericsson Application Shop.
WiFi Compare the rates for service plans of wi-fi providers across North America, the UK, and Australia.
J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.1 Beta. This release adds support for JSR-185 (JTWI) clarifications, floating point support with CLDC 1.1, as well as the new J2ME Web Services API (JSR-172).
New QuickTime Supports Mobile Multimedia Standards. QuickTime 6.5.
Ships Metrowerks Development Kit for Series 60-Based Siemens SX1 Phones.
Metrowerks Offers Comprehensive Suite of Software Analysis Tools for Symbian OS Developers.
Rusty — Apple has released Java 3D and the Java Advanced Imaging for Java 1.4.1 on Mac OS X 10.3 (a.k.a Panther).
David — The Design of XMLBeans (Part 3).
Dion — Apache Creates Top Level Logging Services Project.
Joe — JDJ: what would YOU do?
Matt — Struts 2.0.
Cheah — Easy .htaccess.
Brent — RSD turns one.
Chris — mp3 Police.
iTunes v4.2 now available for download.
AOL members get access to iTunes Music Store. AOL members who visit AOL Music can now launch the iTunes Music Store
Mary Jo — It's Out: XP SP2 Beta 1.
Top 15 Ant Best Practices.Eric M. Burke, offers his 15 best practices for using Ant and for writing well-crafted Ant buildfiles.
QTJ Audio, introduction to the useful audio-related tools provided by QuickTime to the Java developer.
Smart Value Object, allows server components to track client-side modification of business objects in a rich client/J2EE server environment.
Matthew — MobiQuitous 2004.
Russ — Ar2Zip.reg and Tomcat 5 and JSP 2.0. I use jarminator to view the content of JARs.
AOL Will Buy Out Partners as Venture with DoCoMo Ends. NTT DoCoMo is Japan's largest mobile phone carrier.
Andrej — Persistence layer poll on OTN.
David — Mac OS X 10.3.2 update available.
Mariano — Escribir en un archivo o consola por facu.
Punit — Suggested Reading for Design Patterns for Beginners.
Mats — The infuriating WSDL standard.
Dave — Apple News Feeds.
Haiko — Quick Links, December 18.
Darren — Maven is not Ant's successor.
Roger — O'Reilly launches MacDeveloper Journal.
Simkin for Java 1.27, a simple scripting language aimed at giving control over part or all of a Java application to the user.
SwingWT 0.76 , an implementation of the Swing/AWT APIs over SWT.
GNUStep clone delivers fat binaries for Zaurus, OS X. mySTEP.
Tech IPOs picking up steam. Some tech IPOs have been blasting off in 2003.
Mobile broadband everywhere. Land, air and sea.
Microsoft unleashes legal attack dogs on spammers. Teams up with NY.
Wal-Mart to Test Digital Music Downloads. Set to begin testing digital music downloads on its Web site.
Today's sponsor is AdM+Partners.