Time after time

2 min read


meI just had a very enlightening chat with Didier Girard of Application-Servers.com. If you read French, you oughta be sure to check his site regularly.

java blogDavid — blojsom 2.05 available.

blogBrian — How Does Apple Stay in Business?

javaSun Brings Java Desktop to Wal-Mart Shelves. Sun is wagering that Wal-Mart's "always low prices" will catapult its Java Desktop System off storeroom shelves into the home market.

javaSuperWaba 4.1, a Java-like virtual machine for PDAs.

javaJisp 3.0.0, a Java Indexed Serialization Package.

blogHani — The codehaus of crack.

mobileMetrowerks Siemens SX1 SDK available. The SDK contains a commercial release SX1 as well as everything you need to develop for it. $1,150.

java blogDion — Opinion: Closures in Java.

blogKen — 831.


java blogDaniel — Working from a Template.

javaJURPE, a Java Universal Role Playing Engine.

java blogCarlos — 13 Exceptional Exception Handling Techniques.

moblogAnil — Bluetooth MIDlet for SE Car.

moblogOmar — Cell phone users slow to embrace number portability.

moblogEmily — How people are using camera phones.

java blogJonas — AspectWerkz 0.9.RC1 is released.

java blogChad — A bloggers start, UrlRewriting Filter.

java blogMark — Review: Teach Yourself Java 2 in 21 days.

java blogThomas — SCBCD Online Study notes.

java blogWendong — SVG and Mobile SVG.

java blogMats — A really bad IBM Developerworks article.

blogLuke — Windows XP Service Pack 2 changes.

blogCharles — Overly Mocked.

wirelessT-Mobile, iPass sign Wi-Fi roaming deal. T-Mobile and iPass agree to a deal that allows subscribers to access each other's networks.

java blogMariano — Reflect Tips por facu.