
4 min read


java blogCarlos — Rendezvous Enabled Distributed Build!

blogDiego — the matrix revolutions: the abridged script.

moblogMatt — Testing C++ Applications on Series 90 and Apache Axis C++ 1.0 Alpha.

blogElton — Poseidon for UML 2.1 is out.

java blogSimon — Deploying Pebble on Resin 2.1.x.

blogChris — On Hani and I'm a Console Cowboy.

blogChris — Initial Matrix impressions.

blogKeith — Matrix Revolutions.

blogRick — First programming language ideas?

blogSimon — easytoggle and debugging in Safari.

blogDan — Da Matrix.

blogChuq — Lunar Eclipse Saturday.

windowsWinSCP 3.4.2 released.

javaJavaThrottle 0.1, a pipe bandwidth limiter.

macApple says could easily move to Intel, but happy with IBM.

technologyBEA Releases Finalized StAX. The streaming API for XML.

windows'Critical' Office 2003 Patch Released. Microsoft plugs holes in Powerpoint, Word and Excel.

meI spent most of the day getting familiar with JFreeChart and Cewolf.


javaExchanger XML Editor 1.1. Cladonia Ltd.

javaGJTester, a Java Testing Tool.

java blogDavid — AtomAPI 0.8 forthcoming.

java blogMike — SD Magazine Review of Bitter EJB.

blogCedric — Installation from hell (volume 1).

moblogMatt — trying my hand at freelance work: P800 review.

mobileNumber portability winners and losers. is running a poll.

blogHani — I loathe Redhat users.

musicRIAA Anti-Piracy Campaign Having An Impact. 1.4 million American households deleted all the digital music files on their computers.

java blogAnthony — JCE.

java blogJoshua — Swing Hack 5: a magic lens.


blogMatt — Wallop: Microsoft Enters the Fray.

mobileWorldwide cellphone shipments up 21% for the 3rd quarter.

moblogMartin — Light & Camera: Then We'll Have Action!

java blogChris — Trying out Scarab.

blogEddy — Capturing keystrokes with GetAsyncKeyState.

blogDion — Oracle leads multinode SPECJAppServer2002 with new results.

java blogEmerson — Bug fix version 2.1.2 of Eclipse is out.

blogEd — The problem with DRM.

blogMark — Fedora Core Test 3 - First Thoughts.

blogTed — All PGP Keyservers are not created equal.

java blogMohd — JSTL format with multiple Resource Bundles.

blogKeith — Apache's kicking ass.

blogMarc — All-in-one Media PC.

javaSecure FTP Bean 2.0.11, a Java bean for performing secure FTP transfers.

gadgetsFirst look at the PlayStation Portable. PSP.

musicSony to offer $60 iPod? Not likely. Apple and Oranges.

newsMicrosoft Offers $500,000 Bounty for Virus Writers. MSBlast and Sobig.