Trick or Treat?

4 min read


usWe're going to Vicki's sister later in the afternoon. I'll be making a "Roti de Bœuf avec des Pommes Fondantes" for her Birthday dinner.

moblogRuss — Mobile Multimedia.

java blogSam — Second article on RSS and Java up.

blogStefan — Profile on MySQL, the Company.

macApple to address Jaguar security problems. Apple said that it will fix the security flaws in Mac OS X Jaguar.

java blogKevin — 1.4 String.matches is dumb.

macApple blames Oxford chip set for Panther users' woes. Apple has acknowledged that there can be data loss on external FireWire 800 drives connected to Apple computers running Panther, but…

java blogPrabhu — Java Service Wrapper.

macEudora update fixes Panther issues and more. Eudora X 6.0.1.

java blogDaniel — RSS and Java.

blogMatt — Great G3 Desktop Deals.


meI'd like to thank Bruce Bolden, Deepak Mehta, Lars Hoss, François Nonnenmacher and Tom Dyson for helping me getting Java 1.4.1 back on my Mac.


javaBeautyJ, yet another source code beautifier.

javaJava Financial Library, an API and application for converting between monetary currencies and fetching stock quotes from the Internet for use in your Java programs.

java blogVinu — Tomcat 4.1.29 Stable and Tomcat 5.0.14 Beta released.

blogRusty — Sun has also posted version 1.4.1_05 of the Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) and Xalan-Java 2.5.2.

java blogHani — 12 paths to build.xml nirvana.

blogSteve — Dell's Management Secrets.

javaJatha 1.5.4, a Java LISP library.

mobileHoward Stern: Treo 600 owner. He was showing off his new Treo 600 to the gang this morning.

developmentWindows Mobile 2003-based Smartphone Developer Kit. $499.


javaEye on performance: A load of stress.

javaJava theory and practice: A brief history of garbage collection.

pythonCharming Python: Numerical Python.

mobile javaLock down J2ME applications with Kerberos, Part 1.

java2.4 Servlet Spec Reviewed. Core Developers Network have reviewed the good, the bad and the ugly of the 2.4 servlet specification being produced by JSR154.

blogCarlos — Is Longhorn All Bull or Full of Holes?

java blogDiego — why sun should change the Java app icon.

blogMatt — Skype 0.94 and Drooling Over Whidbey.

blogRuss — The Last All Nighter.

technologyNYT: Microsoft and Google: Partners or Rivals?

moblogGlenn — Apple Adds WPA Security.

blogKarl-Martin — And the number is 64, six four.

java blogPatrick — JAVA resources.

java blogMatt — Hibernate 2.1 Beta 5 Released!

java blogBrian — Forays into Groovy.

blogDan — Palm Sync Broken in Panther.

python blogKevin — - Mac OS X Python Resources.

python blogCharles — Obfuscated Python.

blogSam — Disney's RSS 0.93.

musicThe RIAA Is Suddenly A Fan Of Ratings. An incredibly obvious attempt at pitching parents on one more reason they should stop their kids from using KaZaa.

macMac OS X Innovators Contest Winners Announced. OmniOutliner and iBlog.

java blogAnil — Mobile Blogging in Java.

javaJameleon, an automation testing framework without the problems of automated testing.

meMy blog is featured in next month's Atlassian Update newsletter. Thanks, Mike & Co.!