3 min read


java blogCarlos — Has Java Reached The Inefficiency Phase?

moblogMatt — Hello World on Series 90 (Nokia 7700) and MIDP 2.0 Examples on Series 90.

blogMatt — Apache 2.0.48 and 1.3.29 Released!

java blogDion — JCP Watch: JMX Remote API, Enterprise Media Beans, and more.

blogBob — Best Keyboard Ever.

macTrio of flaws found in Mac OS X. $129 to fix, if you can install Panther.

blogRuss — How do you know if your world revolves around your weblog?

java blogOvidiu — mod_jk2 problems.

windowsWinSCP 3.4, a SFTP and SCP client for Windows using SSH.

java blogDaniel — Added bits and pieces.

java blogDave — MyEclipseBugs..

java blogHani — OpenSymphony dirty laundry.

java blogMike — New Hibernate Example.


meArghhh! Now that I finally have re-installed 10.2, come to find out that Java 1.4.1 is no longer available. Can someone call Apple and tell them to get their act together?

Update: If anybody has downloaded the Java 1.4.1 (and update) packages from Apple when they were available, and is willing to send them to me, please email me. — Thanks.


moblogRuss — N-Gage Thoughts.

javaJKMapIME 0.9.1-rev1 , a Java-based input method engine and keyboard mapper.

blogCharles — How to Get Kicked Out of Microsoft for Blogging.

netToday is NetDay. NetDay wants to students to go to its Web site today and complete a short survey as part of its first "Speak Up Day."

usWe watched the season premiere of 24 yesterday. I was afraid it was going to be one of those "seen it, done it before" 3rd season opener, but they actually managed to keep it fresh.

java blogJoe — Article Policy Change at JDJ.

perlcgi-irc 0.5.3. CGI:IRC. 

netNapster 2.0 goes live. The cat's back.

windowsNo public Longhorn preview, says MS - developers only. And they have to ask for it first.

pdaNo PDA market growth in Q3 without HP. Saturation point reached?

zaurusSharp preps upgraded, rugged Linux PDA. El Reg on the SL-6000.