Happy Father's Day

2 min read


javaJXPath 1.0, a fast XPath 1.0 compliant API.

java blogPatrick — Book Store Jackpot!

java blogDanno — Swiss Army IDE Problem.

java blogScott — Managing projects: a few Eclipse recipes.

java blogJavier — Building on Jakarta.

java blogMike — The BileBlog is painfully accurate.

blogArjun — Neat plugin for Firebird!

java blogThomas — Belated Tiger Comments.

java blogHani — Studies in disfunction: The JDC.

java blogMichael — Code Reviewing.

java blogDion — Struts Pocket Reference.

java blogMark — So there was Wi-Fi Access.

java blogDoug — Java and Python Bloggers.

java blogChris — IDEA rants.

blogCarlos — Standards: Doomed to Repeat Itself? and How To Survive IT Deflation Part II.

blogMatt — Rough Roundup.

javaJSyntaxColor 1.1, a Java library for coloring in real time user text input.

mobileThe wireless industry's killer ‘b’. No industry suffered as much from the hope and hype of the 1990s boom as did telecommunications.

On June 15, 1992 — U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle instructed a student to spell “potato” with an “e” on the end during a spelling bee. He had relied on a faulty flash card.