Sun urges Java research with new license and Sun heats up Java show.
Werner — JavaOne 2003 : connected with Andy.
Mike — jcoverage - do I not get it?
Neill — Martin Fowler's blog/wiki.
Chris — Resuming HTTP file uploads?
Andy — JavaOne: Met Werner.
Introduction and History of Darwin. Where it came from and the technologies used behind it.
IBM expands WebSphere portfolio. Lotus Workplace joins string of announcements.
Sun pushes for Java ubiquity. Unified front sought for programming language.
Sun stirs to unify Java and Sun seeks to simplify Java.
Simon — JavaOne technical keynote.
Arjun — [JavaOne] Java Desktop Initiative - Finally!, JGoodies Projects Being Open Sourced on JavaDesktop!, New Icons/Images for Java and Core J2EE Patterns Second Edition.
Lars — Eclipse 3.0 M1 on OS X noticeable faster!
Neill — HangingServer - testing http client timeouts.
Mike — JavaOne Bookstore.
Putting Java in ONE Cup. Sun wants to bring J2SE, J2ME, J2EE and JavaCard languages under one umbrella and into the mainstream.
Kevin — Favorite BitTorrent download sites.
Matt — XUL vs. Sun's JNDC.
Hugo — Sun's new old take on Java.
Cedric — JavaOne, Day 1.
Kevin — weblogs.java.net - Weblog Poison.
Matthew — printf in Java.
Rogers — Java.Com: Write once, Christina everywhere.
Russ — Java Everywhere.
David — Java has officially jumped the shark or It's getting hot in herrrrrre.
Simon — Certification Roundtable BOF tonight.
Sean — [Java One] General Session 2 - Tech Keynote.
Cameron — Cafe au Volano.
Rickard — JavaOne keynote.
Janne — Including pages.
JavaOne Session Webcasts. Thanks, Russ.
Motorola plans new phones to boost sales. Between 20 and 25 cell phones later this year.
Anthony — JPublish 2.0 Released.
Fred — Why Sun is not using Tira Jump.
Danno — WiFinder for Tungsten C.
Blaine — Christina Aguillera & Java?!?
Carlos — Has Everyone Overlooked the java.net Projects?
Mike — JavaOne 1998: A Watershed Moment.
Find a way out of the ClassLoader maze. System, current, context? Which ClassLoader should you use?
Customize SwingWorker to improve Swing GUIs. Discover techniques and best practices for robust user interface development.
Borland and Sony Ericsson team to accelerate Java development for wireless devices. JBuilder 9 Mobile Edition.
Java.net officially debuts. A joint venture among O'Reilly, Sun Microsystems, and Collabnet.
Handango Offers Largest Java Software Catalog for Mobile Devices. The industry's largest catalog of J2ME software.
Dilbert comics on your cell screen. Sign up to receive “Best of Dilbert” comics on your mobile color phones.
Fred — How Tomcat Works.
Werner — JavaOne 2003 pavillion.
Dave — U of Manitoba publishes SWT HOWTOs.
Roman — The most cross-platform software ever seen…
Simon — JavaOne keynote, java.net and java.com and The new Java logo was unveilled.
Javier — More tools for your development environment.
Benoit — La persistence dans le monde J2EE.
Anders — Web Start app for children and Java geeks.
Edwin — Thomas Kurian discusses the future of the J2EE.
Sean — [Java One] General Session 1 - Keynote.
Arjun — [JavaONE] Conference 2003 Blogs.
Stephan — Perl on wiki.java.net?
Jay — New tools add Liberty to .Net. SourceID.Net.
Andres — The Entity Design Pattern and JavaOne One.
Chris — Sysadmin price list.
Erik — JavaDayOne.
Matt — Java Java Java.
Nicola — java.net FUD.
Steve — Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF).
Steve — I'm here at JavaOne for the first day of the actual conference.
Pete — G E E K T O O L S: GeekTels.
Bell tolling for PNG graphics format? A patent underlying one of the Web's most popular graphics formats is set to expire later this month.
SCO Backs Up Claims of Linux IP Theft.
Super-clear 36-inch TV costs $11,000. Sony's Qualia product line, made to order.
Shhh! Underground JavaOne Party.
SAP to Support J2EE. SAP AG made a major Java splash at the JavaOne show, announcing support for J2EE and releasing a new Java development environment.
Developers: Peril Faces J2EE Community.
Sun speeds phone Java. R.I.P PersonalJava.
Christina Everywhere. ChristinaMobile, powered by Java technology.
PreciseJava.com. Best practices to improve performance in J2EE and J2SE.
Russ— Flash on Nokia 3650 is Coming.
Roman — java.net from 1999.
Mike — Joel on Fixing Venture Capital and JavaBlogs is the java.net news source.
Mark — User Interface Abstraction — IDEA Gets a GUI Builder.
Joey — A Golden Gem.
PJIRC 1.84, a Java-based IRC client.
David — IntelliJ Aurora build #823 is available.
Kevin — A Quarter-Million Spams Per Year.
Java.net Today: From Vision to Beta.
AAC Put To The Test. Find out for yourself and help by submitting the results.
Nokia hit by weak dollar and Sars. The mobile phone maker says slowing economies, currency fluctuations and the Sars virus could hit sales.
Bouncy Castle Java Cryptography library 1.19.
David — XAWT: A Faster, Lighter AWT for X11 Desktops.
Fred — Project Dolphin.
Carlos — James Gosling's Blog.
IBM, Infineon build 0.18µ magnetic RAM chip. Coming to market in 2005.
Scripting with Jython Instead of XML.
Peter — The State of Java.
Matthew — Projects on java.net.
Tom — Amusing parodies of tech weblogs.
Scott — Checkstyle or PMD? and A Few Eclipse 2.1 Tips.
Anthony — HTTP response code 204.
Cedric — Java .net.
Steven — java.net goes live.
Sam — Sun to open source JAX-RPC.
Hugo — Sun's new Java Portal and Java Logo…
Phillip — xfmllib.
Ted — Where's Ted been?
Danny — FOAF News.
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Java is going to take over the wireless world? Christina A. gets down and dirty.
Alan — Is J2ME making the same mistakes that Java Applets did?
Dominic — java.net goes live!
Keith— New version of SharpReader.
Bill — Open XML Framework.
Matthew — Atlassian Office Visit.
Glen — Handling customization in Centipede.
Graham — GLUE 4.1 and EXML 7.1.
Steve — The Secret is out of the Bag.
Arjun — James gosling has a blog!
Eugene — IntelliJ IDEA won two industry awards.
Choose your J2EE weapons wisely. The J2EE server may be turning into a commodity, but when it comes to the robustness/agility trade-off, there's plenty of room for innovation.
Dell's 18" LCD. Ultrasharp 1800FP.
XML querying proposed as Java standard. Oracle and IBM plan to announce a JSR to define a Java API for invocations of queries written in the W3C standard XML query language.
On June 10, 1935 — Alcoholic Anonymous was founded by William G. Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith.