May Day
Matt — iPod Goodies and Running a process from a servlet.
Apple offers free WWDC Early Bird Workshops.
Dell to Change Name. Dell
Computer, Inc.
Jason — Bad coding day.
Kev — Maven's best/worst features.
XML Benchmark 1.1.1, a C/C++/Java XML parsers benchmarking tool set.
Diego — blogging APIs: a mini how-to.
Borland Heats Up New, Upgraded Java Tools. JBuilder 9, and Janeva.
Russ — Blogging from Starbucks - sin WiFi, I Need An Office! and Using your Nokia 3650/7650 as a GPRS Modem.
Henri — Open source Java.
Fred — SUN's WTK2.0 Production Release.
Rod — Unit tests with log statements are a code smell.
Arjun — eWeek RSS feeds.
Brent — NetNewsWire 1.0.2b4.
Niel — CodeNotes for Java.
Danny explains how to SSR-Enable an RSS 2.0 Module. Simple Semantics Resolution. Cool stuff.
Tom — Personal Server.
New AMD Alchemy Au1500 tablet design boasts embedded Linux support.
Apple resolves security flaw at online store.
Hacker suspect nabbed at Net security show. British police have arrested a man suspected of hacking into high-profile Web sites and defacing them with a distinct digital calling card: a “fluffy” pink bunny rabbit.
World's smallest flashlight. IBM's created the world's smallest source of light.
Gadgeteer review of The Digiana Wireless Audio Portable FM Linker from Audia X.
SD Card overtakes Memory Stick. Despite numerous efforts by Sony, supremacy has slipped through the fingers for its Memory Stick format: now, the SD Memory Card format reigns supreme.
Zaurus Development with Qtopia.
Sync4j 0.1b4, an Open source SyncML server and framework.
Apple sells over 1 million songs in the first week. “In less than one week we've broken every record and become the largest online music company in the world…”
Review: Nokia 6800.
Third alpha of Jakarta Commons HTTPClient 2.0.
NewsBro 2.0, a web application providing usenet news service.
Java and the Model Driven Architecture. Building distributed, Web-based applications will get easier when you regard target platforms and middleware.
Make Applications Update-Aware. Employ the Java Web Start technology to place JAR files on a Web server to facilitate error-free updates.
Five To-Dos for a Fledgling Java Team Leader. Many new team leaders are compelled to organize their own team's work based on the experience they got when they were programmers.
SWT: A Native Widget Toolkit for Java. Part 2.
The Game API. An API for basic 2D gaming operations.
FastParser 1.6, a Java Xml parser.
Russ — AvantGo for the Nokia 3650 Review and iPods as UI Example for Intelliphones.
Martin — XML-RPC & Blogger.api and Being Mobile.
Petri — In need of a Blogging Detox program? Head for the South Pacific!
Wireless Paris. The Paris project opened on April 1 using antennas outside a dozen Metro stations…
Bernard — Crash Microsoft Browsers with 5 lines of HTML.
Matt — Snookered at the Apple Store, DHCP and Dynamic DNS on Red Hat and [Request] Moblogger on Sourceforge.
Fred — Graphic Speeds MIDP 1.0.
Mike — Java Urban Performance Legends.
Adam — XML weather.
Chris — Wrestling with javadoc.
Brent — NetNewsWire 1.0.2b3.
Jeremy — Why must I reboot to upgrade QuickTime?
Joi — Joi's Birthday Database.
Scott — A Palm Tungsten C / Mac OS X Disappointment.
Lance — The Undocumented Castor.
Costin — Using the new connector with tomcat 4.1.
Haiko — iPod and Windows, Linux.
In the stands, the wireless instant replay. From Air-Grid Networks.
NYT: Fantastical kitchen gadgets.
Intel's personal server. From Intel, a prototype of a wireless, battery-powered personal server that can automatically connect to any PC or PDA within range.
BenQ's P30 smartphone. Symbian, large 16-bit color display and a built-in digital camera.
New Bluetooth USB Adapters. Belkin Components, IOGEAR and D-Link.
Mutants storm global box office. X-Men 2 earned more than $155m world-wide in its opening weekend.
On May 5, 1821 — Napoleon Bonaparte died on the island of St. Helena, where he had been in exile.