Sun plans to get Java on PCs. Sun Microsystems expects major PC makers to begin bundling Sun's software for running Java programs on their computers.
Forbes on Centrino/Pentium-M battery life.
Microsoft Delivers Fresh Windows XP 64-Bit Edition.
Your Personal GPS in a Mobile Phone.
50 Best Pocket-sized Gadgets for 2003.
Download4J 1.1, a JSP/Servlets component for downloading files.
ONJava: Surviving Abrupt Shutdown.
Design Markers. Explicit Programming for the Rest of Us
Bluetooth: A User's Experience.
Diego — onward!.
Didier — The endgame is over! Eclipse Project release 2.1 is now available for download.
Brent — Interview with me.
Matt — A Phone Without T9 is Not Worth Owning.
Matthew — Mobile Phone Number Portability Becoming a Reality.
Secure FTP Bean 2.0.3, a Java bean for performing secure FTP transfers.
Centrino-based Tablet PCs on the horizon.
LINKing your iPod and your cellphone. Skullcandy's LINK headphones.
Use A Firewall, Go To Jail… AND Send Bill Gates To Jail.
20-Inch LCD Breaks $1,000 Barrier. Formac's new Oxygen line.
I'm getting WiFi'ed. I just placed an order for a NETGEAR Wireless Router, PC Card and CF Card. The mail-in rebates and coupons made it impossible to resists.
I even found a 802.11b Driver for Mac OS X. Sweet.
Now I just hope my 2.4GHz cordless phone won't interfere too much.
Eric Raymond Talks About Going Back to Basics.
California moves closer to Net sales taxes.
Final Release: Connected Limited Device Configuration 1.1. CLDC.
Greg — Quick References Heaven.
Charles — Testing private methods (don't do it).
Mobile Commerce. The three giants have signed a letter of intent to work together.
TipicME 1.2 out for UIQ, Series 60. J2ME-based Jabber Client.
Acer preps cut-price PocketPC. The n10 is set to cost under $300.
Tutorial: Look, Ma, No EJBs!
Russ — Nokia MIDP Gaming UI Whitepaper.
Matt — Frames and XHTML.
David — IntelliJ IDEA #698 available.
Giulio — To Test Or Not To Test: private methods.
ID theft: a $1bn a year crime.
Thanks in part to Russ, I was able to solve my Zaurus' TCP/IP over USB problem.
On March 28, 1968 — The U.S. lost its first F-111 aircraft in Vietnam when it vanished while on a combat mission. North Vietnam claimed that they had shot it down.