Last Quarter Moon

5 min read


java blogMartin — The UK Loves SMS.

netSpamAssassin 2.52, a mail filter to identify spam using text analysis.

technologySun Attacks Microsoft XML Strategy Shift. Sun fired its first salvo at Microsoft's upcoming Office 2003 by calling into question the aim of Redmond's overall XML strategy…

moblogRuss — Nokia To Produce WiFi Phones.

blogKasia— Pay for platform development.

javabind4j, a simple databind API for Java with auto type convertion.

technologyWhy should software be free? Some things are priceless. So is Free Software.

musicMadonna Taps Fans For MP3 Release. $1.49 per song.


blogJeremy — NetFlix + Porn =

javaEclipse XDoclet Plugin. Supports development of XDoclet-annotated Java code by providing resource change tracking, incremental building, etc.

macTop Apple employees take home bonuses. Apple has awarded more than 200 of its top workers a bonus, despite the fact that the company fell short of targets it had established for such payments.

netAlleged victims of net scheme share $20M. “One of the biggest pyramid schemes we've seen…”

blogMatt — Adobe Prefers PCs?

blogBill — Standards versus Standards.

java blogPhillip — PHP5.

java blogDamien — JBoss, JMS and WebSphere MQ.

java blogGlen — Inside an Idea Plugin (Part 4).

mobilePDAs Enlisted in War on Terror. The US Department of Health and Human Services is testing a system that uses personal digital assistants to send biological warfare information to health-care workers.


MobitopiamoblogRuss — The Revolution Will Have T-Shirts!

linuxRed Hat 9 To Be Released March 31.

blogMatt — Linux on Centrino.

netAmazon makes bid for Web-ad patent.

pdaHP's new Bluetooth Pocket PC. iPAQ h2200.

macApple WWDC delay prompts PPC 970 speculation.

gadgetsSony's New Humanoid Robot SDR-4X II.

netMicrosoft Limits Hotmail To Stop Spam. Microsoft has announced that Hotmail will now limit the number of emails you can send out to 100 per day.

pcNEC Rolls Out 19-inch LCD With IT Features. NEC MultiSync LCD1980SX can be connected to control centers using cables as long as 100 meters (326 feet) without degrading the signal.

macApple releases Security Update 2002-03-24.

netIntel invests $7.2 million in Jabber. Intel Capital joins France Telecom and Webb Interactive Services as Jabber's main financial benefactors


developmentDiagnose SQL Server performance problems with SQL Profiler.

javaGridbus, a JXTA-based grid computing tool. Service-Oriented Grid Computing.

javaXephyrus, a File Upload Tag Library.

javaAnteater, a testing framework designed around Ant.

javaSmartPool, a connection pooling component that is modeled on connection pooling features provided by application servers.

javaStringRT class. StringBuffer should had never existed!

javaJ2EE BookStore Sample Application Announced.

moblogRuss — Wondering What Version of WAP is Which? and Mobitopia Sponsorship to be Auctioned on eBay.

moblogDiego — everything but the kitchen sink. The Archos Jukebox Multimedia.

moblogJim — Push-To-Talk, will it make the big step to the global stage?

macSync Mac to PocketPC. PocketMac.

java blogAnthony — JPublish 2.0b3 Released.

java blogDavid — blojsom 1.6 released and IntelliJ IDEA (Aurora) #807 is available.

blogMatt — New Hibernate Versions (1.2.4 and 2.0 beta 4).

java blogWerner — JBoss 3.2.0 RC4 is available.

blogScott — Free C++ testing tools.

blogKarl — Some development links of interest.

java blogDanny — Using JUnit.

java blogGiulio — What RSSLibJ cannot do (yet?)

java blogMatt — Java on Tablet PCs.

javaTapestry 2.4-alpha-5, a Java component object model for developing highly interactive Web applications.

pcZDNet reviews the first SmartDisplay. Airpanel V110 from ViewSonic.

macApple Terminates Safari Seed Program. “This morning Safari beta v67 was leaked to the Internet…”

mobileIntel announces three new XScale processors. PXA263, PXA260 and PXA255.

On March 24, 1999 — NATO launched air strikes against Yugoslavia (Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Vojvodina). The attacks marked the first time in its 50-year history that NATO attacked a sovereign country. The bombings were in response to Serbia's refusal to sign a peace treaty with ethnic Albanians who were seeking independence for the province of Kosovo.